Daaji's Message on World Meditation Day

Since millennia, meditation has been a part of human life, quietly offering its benefits to those who seek it. It has been recognized as a way to bring balance—not just to the mind, but to our entire being. Every culture has understood its value, even if expressed differently.
‘Dhyana’ in Sanskrit is much deeper than the term ‘meditation’. ‘‘Dhi' refers to the ultimate wisdom or the illumination of higher intelligence in the Gayatri Mantra. 'Yana' means a vehicle. When we combine Dhi with yana, we get the word - Dhyana - the vehicle or the process that leads us toward divine wisdom and to Divinity itself. This is more than just thinking; it is a profound spiritual practice. Reflecting on our meditative journey, we may ask ourselves: Has our practice brought us closer to incremental wisdom? Are we progressing toward the ultimate realization that meditation brings?
Daaji had previously proposed to the United Nations and the Prime Minister’s Office to designate Basant Panchami as World Meditation Day. This day, dedicated to Goddess Saraswati - the embodiment of wisdom and knowledge - symbolizes the pursuit of learning and enlightenment.
Heartfulness Meditation builds on this ancient wisdom, offering a method that is simple yet deeply effective. Meditating in the presence of Pranahuti or Yogic Transmission, we settle more deeply, naturally, reaching deeper states of calm and clarity without force.
We often get caught up in chasing success, and that’s understandable. Success in life is important but it’s not enough. When we nurture both our inner and outer worlds, success becomes truly meaningful and fulfilling.
The benefits of meditation are not limited to the meditator alone. When one person grows, it impacts others. And when many of us meditate, this collective growth creates ripples that can bring about peace in the world.
So, on World Meditation Day, take a moment for yourself. Sit quietly, turn inward, and just experience. Try meditation, see how it feels, and allow yourself to evolve. The smallest step can lead to a profound change, not just for you, but for those around you too.
Let’s meditate, and let’s grow together.