
Chorus to Drop Trifurcation of Medak Diocese Echoes All Over State

Some churches are holding a silent protest after their Sunday service to protest a proposal to trifurcate the CSI Medak Diocese into Hyderabad, Medak and Adilabad-Nizamabad divisions.

The proposal was put forth during a retreat earlier last week, catching many clergy members and laymen off-guard. It has led to intense debates within the community, with concerns being raised about the authority behind such a decision.

At the heart of the controversy is the question of whether the moderator commissary, acting in the absence of a bishop, is empowered to make such a far-reaching decision.

"According to the CSI constitution, even before one decides on such a measure, a pastoral committee meeting should be called for and the issue duly discussed. It is only after a majority accepts it and the minutes are sent to it, will the DCC executive committee debate the same. Subsequently, it will be sent to the Diocesan Council, which, if accepted, will make it an Act. Since this course has not been followed in the latest instance, we will raise our voice against this illegitimate Act," said Ragu Babu, a member of Wesley Church.

A member from the Utnoor pastorate in Adilabad said that trifurcation is just a gimmick to divert the attention of the diocese.

"It's all about properties, scams and financial frauds. Three very well-known pastors are in the run-up to be bishops and the leaders want to make all of them happy and so the decision to divide the diocese to satisfy their personal desires," he said.

A top Medak Diocesan office-bearer reminded that the Karnataka Central Diocese, which was trifurcated many years back as northern, southern and central dioceses has helped them grow progressively, ministerial and financially.

Another member pointed out that "the same diocese has been notorious for corruption. There could not have been a worse example to support trifurcation."
The proposed trifurcation is bound to have significant implications for the administration and functioning of the diocese.

The controversy reached a boiling point during the retreat when heated discussions turned into a verbal scuffle among those in attendance, pastors from across the state. Videos circulating on social media depict scenes of chaos.
Local laymen have expressed their concerns, highlighting that the unity of the diocese could potentially be compromised by such a division. The CSI Medak Diocese, known for its rich history and diverse congregation, now finds itself at the crossroads.

As discussions continue to unfold, it remains to be seen how the leadership will respond to the hue and cry from the clergy and the layman. The proposal's fate hangs in the balance, as also the future direction of the diocese.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle. )
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