Attukal temple now BHOG certified
An official said that FSSAI has made it mandatory for all places of worship to get food safety license for distribution of food for devotees.

Thiruvananthapuram: Attukal Temple becomes the first place of worship in the district to get food safety license as part of BHOG –Blissful Hygienic Offering to God, which aims at maintaining food safety and hygiene at worship places, mandated by the Food Safety and Standards Authority of India (FSSAI). The food safety department has started implementing BHOG in the state.
An official said that FSSAI has made it mandatory for all places of worship to get food safety license for distribution of food for devotees. The official said that the Commissionerate is expecting more places of worship to come forward and take part in the initiative.
FSSAI has set specific rules for maintaining food safety and hygiene in the preparation of the offering. “We had a discussion with the officials of the Dewasom Board. The Commissione-rate will be given proper training and all technical support for implementing BHOG at the temples,” said the official.
As per the guidelines, the procurement of raw materials for preparation of the prasadam should be done from authorised traders with FSSAI licenses.
The initiative mandates adoption of hygienic practices by the food handlers which requires wearing of aprons, gloves and head covers. Proper cleaning and waste management facilities are a must for getting the license.
Those who want to get the food safety registration can go to the webpage – and click on the link Other Business – Arrangements in Religious gathering. '100 would be the registration fee for a year.
Registration will be done in the name of the prominent representative of the place of worship. Registration and licensing are mandatory for the temples doing business over Rs 12 lakh by selling ‘prasadams’.