7/10/2017 or 7102017 Palindrome for US, for other's not so much
Today is marked as a palindromic date. A palindrome is a word, number or date, that when read backwards will read the same. What makes today significant is the fact that the month of October sees one palindromic day from the year 2011 to 2020. Another significance to palindromic dates is how datelines are presented. India follows the conventional dd/mm/yy (with only the last two digits of the year used) which makes today October 7th a palindromic day. Unlike India countries like America follow an alternate dateline, mm/dd/yy, which brings their palindromic date in the month of July. While the American dateline sees every year have a different month with a palindromic date, the Indian preferred dateline sees October as the constant month with a palindrome.