Karnataka's two cups of woe: Davanagere and Belagavi and one headache village
Half of the eruption of new cases are from Davanagere and Belagavi

Hubballi: From out of nowhere Davangere and Belagavi districts have emerged as the corona hotspots of Karnataka. Of the 48 fresh positives recorded in the state on Friday, more than half were from these two districts.
The worrisome aspect of this for health officials is that almost all these samples were taken from people before relaxation of the lockdown on May 4, not after. Officials are now worried what effect a lighter lockdown regimen might have on the spread of the epidemic.
The border district of Belagavi now has 83 coronavirus cases plus one death. Davangere has witnessed a sudden rise of positive cases to reach a like number with four deaths occurring in the span of just one week. In both districts, the virus has spread to people in all age groups ranging from 5 to 60.
Exasperated that people have not been following social distance, Davanagere deputy commissioner Mahantesh Bilagi has clamped a brutal lockdown regimen on Davanagere town, sealing it off almost entirely. Liquor sale continues to be prohibited till May 17.
"It has become inevitable to adopt tough measures. Sale of liquor is prohibited in 45 wards of the Davangere Municipal Corporation and 15-20 villages in the taluk. All business establishments will remain closed in the city. The people should stay indoors,” said Bilagi.
In Belagavi, the corona attention is on one village, Hirebagiwadi in Belagavi taluk, where there are no less than 47 cases.
Hirebagewadi has a population of 35,000. The virus was brought to the village by a 20-year old young man who attended the Tablighi Jamaat religious congregation at Nizamuddin in New Delhi. With 46 more positives turning up in quich succession, the officials are preparing to test everyone in Hirebagewadi.
Photo: Karnataka health minister B Sriramulu has visited district hospital in Dharwad to inspect Corona cases on Friday.