Karnataka: Greed, unscientific farming take a toll on soil
India needs a soil ministry, says Expert.

Bengaluru: Ninety-five percent of the world’s food is grown on the soil and hence its upkeep is very important to maintain food security. But soil health receives little attention anywhere, least of all in India. Soil health has been deteriorating over the years to such an extent that food security is at stake.
Food output everywhere in the country, more so in Karnataka, is likely to come down drastically as an effect of decreasing soil health. The soil has become barren, contaminated with chemicals, and lacking in basic nutrients necessary for growing food.
Soil conservation expert P. Shrinivas aka Vasu says, “Soil can be considered the essence of life. It contains living microorganisms which help regenerate the soil. Slash-and-burn and other unsustainable methods of subsistence farming have led to deterioration of soil quality.”
According to Vasu, “Such is our neglect of soil that while there is a minister for water and chemical fertilizers, there is not even a minister for soil!”
Soil’s water holding capacity too has been affected according to Vasu. “The soil in our state has to some extent lost its water holding capacity as well.”
“Growing genetically modified crops and using chemical fertilizers kills microorganisms in the soil. This has to be stopped. Eco-friendly methods of farming need to adopted if the soil has to regain its nutrient value”
Environmentalist and former Conservator of Forests (Karnataka), Dr. A.N. Yellappa Reddy says, “Mother Earth is a living entity. If you poison it, how will it survive? Heavy use of chemicals and fertilizers have robbed the soil of its nutrients and depleted its regenerational qualities.”
He also mentioned that the state had excellent biodiversity and that man must give back to nature. “Man must prudently give back to nature what he takes from it.”
Dr Reddy lamented that the government had no programmes on eco-friendly farming for farmers. “The government has to organise programmes or workshops on eco-friendly methods for farmers. They need to be educated.”
Adding that humans are doing everything wrong, Dr Reddy says, “Man is wretched, selfish and stupid. We must understand that science has limitations. It’s time we stopped poisoning Mother Earth!”