Airports Authority of India tells 60 high-rises to obtain NOC
Any building coming up within 20 km radius of airport should secure AAI nod

Thiruvananthapuram: Around 60 high-rise buildings around the airport had not obtained the mandatory no-objection certificate (NOC) from the Airports Authority of India (AAI). The AAI has now directed these buildings’ owners to obtain an NOC. According to airport sources, though AAI’s NOC is mandatory for high-rise buildings within a 20 kilometre radius of airport, a recent verification by AAI found that about 60 buildings did not have NOCs but had been given the nod by the respective civic bodies.
“We can’t say that all these buildings are violating the height restrictions. It would be known only after detailed inspections,” said Airport Director George Tharakan.
As per exisiting norms, any building coming up within a 20 kilometre radius of the airport should obtain an NOC from AAI. This would cover almost all parts of the city and even extend up to some rural areas. The NOC can be applied for online and it is verified by a wing of AAI in Chennai.
Meanwhile, the coloured map being brought out by the AAI now would make the process more transparent and easy as the map shows height restrictions in various parts of the district. “With the map, even a layman could easily understand if there was any height restriction in a property belonging to him,” said Mr. Tharakan. A draft colored map was sent by the AAI to the local self-government department seeking suggestions.
The map will come into effect once it is formally notified. In the map, which has areas marked in nine different colours, the area immediately around the airport is marked in red. All high-rise buildings in this area will have to obtain AAI’s NOCs. In the outer regions, only constructions above the prescribed levels need to obtain AAI’s NOC.