CBSE seeks feedback on CCE scheme from teachers, students
Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation introduced in 2009 from class 1 to 10 is to lay emphasis on thought process and de-emphasize memorization.

Chennai: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has requested principals, teachers, parents and students to give their feedback on Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) scheme.
“We are in the process of reforming and strengthening CCE. We want to get the feedback on the scheme of CCE from our stakeholders,” the board has said about the survey.
Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) introduced in 2009 from class 1 to 10 is to lay emphasis on thought process and de-emphasize memorization. It also made evaluation an integral part of teaching and learning process.
The objective of the study, according to the board, is to understand acceptance and adoption of CCE by all stakeholders, examine the challenges in the implementation and establish the support structures needed for teachers for using CCE.
“For class 9 and 10, semester method is being followed. Now, there is a general feeling that CBSE has to conduct annual exam based on the entire syllabus for these two classes. So, CBSE is asking all stakeholders including the parents whether CCE helps in improved academic performance and the exams should be based on the entire syllabus,” said Ajeeth Prasath Jain, senior principal, Bhavan’s Rajaji Vidyashram, Chennai.
CBSE also had asked other questions like whether the board should conduct the summative assessment (SA2) for class 10 and are parents able to understand the evaluation and scoring, whether it has helped the students learn better.
“After the introduction of CCE, students coming to class 11 and 12 are struggling. They are preparing only the half of the portions until the class 10. So, CBSE should replace the semester system with the annual exam which covers the entire syllabus,” he said.
“Importantly, CBSE is seeking feedback from parents. How the attitude of the children has changed? I think the students are relaxed in CCE method,” said S. Namasivayam, Senior Principal, Maharishi Vidyamandir Senior Secondary School, Chennai.