Attendance system based on Aadhaar

HYDERABAD: In an attempt to avoid manipulations and irregularities by employees in marking attendance, many organisations, especially central government offices and agencies are shifting to Aadhar enabled biometric attendance solution (AEBAS). Some have opted for facial recognition based door controllers. All are indigenously made products. Covid pandemic has thrown challenges in terms of attendance and access solutions and these devices support advanced connectivity options that make it appropriate for challenging outdoor applications, said Pankaj Vijay, vice-president (sales), Matrix Comsec, which manufactures these products.
AEBAS authenticates attendance using one’s Aadhaar number. It is cloud based and captures attendance of government employees in real-time. While offering unique advantages in terms of connectivity, technology, usage environment and ease, it also provides a foolproof time-attendance solution. Cosec Argo Face is a newage door controller with face recognition as the criterion. It provides multiple alternate options like bluetooth, PIN and smart cards.
Awareness on security systems and surveillance has been improving gradually, post the pandemic, opine system integrators. Like people, even industries have become security conscious and are upgrading to be on par with international standards, they said. Earlier attendance was marked using biometrics. However, after Covid-19, fears of biometrics increased and gave rise to use of facial recognition attendance. “Unlike biometrics, facial recognition is difficult to be manipulated,” said K. Murali Seshanath of Universal Telecom Solutions, Hyderabad.
Many innovative methods of capturing attendance have been evolving but the earlier options could be tampered with, but facial recognition minimises manipulation. Moreover, they are convenient, accurate and secure, though at a higher investment,” said Pratap Kumar V. of Variman Global Enterprises Ltd, Hyderabad.