Now, Central University of Kerala centre for theory, criticism
The centre will intervene in the digital space with its e-little-magazines/journals.

KASARGOD: The Central University of Kerala, Kasargod, has planned a Centre for Theory and Criticism at the Department of English & Comparative Literature. It will be opened by Prof. Rajagopalan Radhakrishnan, Chancellor's Professor of English and Comparative Literature, University of California, Irvine, US, on October 20. A two-day lecture-cum-seminar will be on October 20 and 21 in connection with the launch. Prof. Rajagopalan will deliver the inaugural lecture on 'What is critical about theory and comparative about literature?' He will deliver his second lecture 'Jacques Derrida: The philosopher that he, therefore, has to be' on October 21. The special lecture is dedicated to the memory of the late prof. V.C. Harris, former director of the School of Letters, Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam.
Scholars and students from various universities and colleges can use the centre as a space for sharpening their critical acumen and theoretical insights, said the organisers. The centre has plans to conduct workshops on theory and criticism by eminent theorists, academics, scholars and writers from around the globe. It is also planning collaboration with national and international institutions and start publications.
The centre will intervene in the digital space with its e-little-magazines/journals. It is planning workshops on alternative publishing practices as well, said Dr. Prasad Pannian, centre coordinator and head of the department of English and comparative literature. The centre will conduct a series of lecture-cum seminars by renowned experts from different academic disciplines. It will also launch a summer school on critical theory with reputed faculty members. Interested students, scholars and faculty may contact the coordinator at his /9446460202