Public hearing conducted by TSERC

HYDERABAD: Power consumers strongly spoke against the electricity utilities’ proposal to increase charges under different heads, here on Friday night. The consumers made it clear that the distribution companies (discoms) should first collect arrears from the government departments, corporate hospitals and educational institutions and only then approach common consumers.
They were speaking at a public hearing that the TS Electricity Regulatory Commission (TSERC) held at the TS Genco auditorium. The event was held under a tight security cover.
The power utilities are seeking a hike in aggregate revenue requirement (ARR) and tariff. Thirty-four consumers made oral submissions before the commission. They said the government departments owed the discoms Rs 20,781 crores. Discoms threatened common consumers with disconnection over non-payment but did not collect arrears from corporates and government departments, they alleged.
Farmers' leaders said that despite providing 24x7 supply for the agricultural sector, discoms should ensure quality power supply at the required time. Farmers were not interested in getting power during off-peak hours.
However, a few speakers justified the hike in power tariffs.
TSERC chairman T. Sriranga Rao said that the commission would consider all comments and suggestions made at the public hearing. ‘If any officer threatens the complaints, the victims should bring it to the notice of TSER,” he suggested. He said the ERC would conduct awareness programmes in all districts.
Raghuma Reddy, TS Southern Power Distribution Company Limited chairman and managing director, discom officials and officers from the government and private companies took part in the event.