TS power dues to AP escalate to Rs 7,102 cr

VIJAYAWADA: The Telangana government’s power dues to Andhra Pradesh have gone up to Rs 7,102 crore on March 31. The total amount due from Telangana discoms, includes principal amount of Rs 3,441 crore and interest from June 2, 2014 to June 10, 2017.
Every month, nearly Rs 43 crore as interest is getting added on the principal amount. The payment was ordered by the Centre under Section 92 of Schedule XII of AP Reorganisation Act, 2014.
The Telangana High Court has scheduled April 27 for the final hearing on the petition filed by the TS government disputing the order issued by the Union power ministry on August 29, 2022, where it was directed pay power dues to Andhra Pradesh government. The TS government claims that the Union ministry has no powers to direct it to make the payment.
In its counter affidavit, Andhra Pradesh claimed that it was not taken into confidence on the issue. It said the Centre had constituted a disputes resolution committee with the special chief secretaries of finance from both states as members along with other officials, to arrive at the power dues through discussions.
AP Generation Corporation (AP Genco) supplied power to TS discoms and the latter used to pay less than what it ought to pay on a monthly basis. This resulted in AP Genco levying late fee charges at the rate of 15 per cent on TS discoms. Power supply was stopped to Telangana on June 10, 2017, when its discoms did not respond to several notices.
AP Genco sources said it was eagerly looking for the verdict in the TS High Court. However, it is likely that either government could approach the Supreme Court if they felt that their interests were being undermined.