Conjunctivitis Spread in Parts of AP

VIJAYAWADA: Conjunctivitis is spreading in several parts of AP, mainly from Srikakulam to NTR districts.
The state health authorities say this is a seasonal disease but takes epidemic proportions during the rainy season. They advised the people to avoid exposing themselves to the infected persons and not to touch their things. Wash hands with soap before touching the eyes.
The health authorities do not maintain a record on the number of Conjunctivitis cases, unlike seasonal fevers. They are getting feedback from the health centres that more people are getting infected these days.
Health director Rami Reddy said, “Conjunctivitis is a non-fatal seasonal infection and it lasts for three days. Health centres would keep stocks of eye drops to treat the infected.”
One case in every 10,000 such cases could be dangerous and can infect the cornea, which leads to further complications to the eyes.
Parents are advised not to send their children to schools in case they get infected. The education department has issued oral instructions to schools to disallow infected students from attending classes.”
NTR district education officer C.V. Renuka said, “We are noticing more students getting infected with conjunctivitis especially in Vijayawada and we have issued oral instructions to schools to discourage students infected with it not to attend classes.”
NTR district medical and health officer Dr M. Suhasini said, “It is better to avoid exposure to large gatherings of people and to avoid touching infected things at home and washing hands with a soap is a must before touching eyes to avoid infection.”
On the other hand, parts of Rayalaseema appeared to be safe with less cases being reported at present.
IMA AP chapter president Dr Ravi Krishna said, “In case the eye infection persists for more than three to five days, proper healthcare should be taken to avoid the infection becoming severe.”