Prophecies that failed in 2017
This was in response to this newspaper going back to the astrologers who had made predictions for 2017, which did not come true.

Hyderabad: All astrological predictions might not come to pass. Out of the 100 things prophesised, just 30 to 40 are likely to be as forecast, astrologers admitted.
This was in response to this newspaper going back to the astrologers who had made predictions for 2017, which did not come true. In other cases, predictions were of a general nature — earthquakes and cyclones — that occur in some part of the world every year.
Astrologer Venuswamy, when asked about his predictions for 2017, many of which did not come true, said that around 30-40 per cent of the predictions might come true.
“My predictions for 2017 that US President Donald Trump would have to face tough times and chances of Hillary Clinton becoming President did not happen. That was due to non-availability of details of Trump’s date and time of birth. But I predicted earthquakes and cyclones across the globe, and they came true.”
“As far as predictions on the health conditions of famous political personalities are concerned, the leaders, knowing this, might take remedial measures like how KCR did ‘Chandi Yagam’, etc.
“If they took some preventive steps, predictions about their health might not happen. It is quite common through experience all these years that all our predictions may not turn true always. There could be some delay in predictions to happen. I predicted that RBI governor Urjit Patel would be sacked in 2017. If not in this year, it may happen some other year.”