
Telugu Man Gopichand Thotakura Set to Make History with Space Travel

VIJAYAWADA: Gopichand Thotakura, a pioneering Telugu native from Vijayawada, is set to make history as the first person of Telugu descent to journey into space. Thotakura, who currently resides in the United States, will be soaring among the stars as part of Blue Origin’s New Shepard mission, a new era for space tourism.

Thotakura Gopichand is no stranger to lofty heights. Not only did he co-found Preserve Life, a wellness centre in Atlanta, but he also boasts a solid foundation in aeronautical science. A graduate with a Bachelor of Science from Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Thotakura's background includes pilot training, making him perfectly suited for this celestial adventure. His upcoming spaceflight marks a giant leap for the Telugu community, leaving a lasting footprint in the annals of space exploration.
Blue Origin, a leader in space tourism, has announced that Thotakura will join their exclusive group of space travelers. The mission, estimated to last around 11 minutes, will propel Thotakura past the Karman Line, the official demarcation between Earth's atmosphere and outer space. Reaching an altitude of 80-100 kilometers above sea level, he'll experience the thrill of weightlessness and witness our planet from a truly awe-inspiring perspective before safely returning to Earth via a parachute-assisted capsule.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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