
JP Nadda Labels Congress a 'Spokesperson of Urban Naxalism'

BHUBANESHWAR: Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) national president JP Nadda launched a fierce attack on the Congress on Thursday, labeling the grand old party as a “spokesperson of Urban Naxalism” and accusing it of encouraging divisive forces in the country. Nadda made these remarks while participating in the Sadasyata Abhiyan, the membership drive of the BJP’s Odisha unit.

Addressing a gathering of party leaders, workers and intellectuals, Nadda emphasised the BJP's consistent commitment to its ideological roots, contrasting it sharply with Congress’s alleged alignment with “separatist” agendas.

“In 1952, Bharatiya Jana Sangh made it clear that there cannot be two laws and two heads of the state in one country. Under the dynamic leadership of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and the legislative skills of Amit Shah, we successfully abrogated Article 370 on August 5, 2019, making Jammu and Kashmir fully a constitutional part of India. Our ideology has remained steadfast,” said Nadda.

He further highlighted the BJP’s inclusive approach, citing the Modi government's guiding principle of ‘Sabka Sath, Sabka Vikas, Sabka Vishwas, Sabka Prayas’—meaning ‘With Everyone’s Support, Development, Trust, and Effort.’

BJP’s Vision: Economic Growth and Social Reform

Nadda also underscored the government’s efforts in tackling social issues such as triple talaq, which was banned despite resistance. “Triple talaq is banned in many Islamic countries like Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Afghanistan, yet it persisted in India under the guise of secularism. Prime Minister Modi’s government ended this injustice, bringing Muslim women into the mainstream. This action is emblematic of our commitment to empowering every citizen,” he stated.

The BJP president also highlighted the party's economic achievements, pointing to India’s resilience amid global economic downturns.

“While economies in the US, Europe, Australia, Japan, and China are facing slow growth, India’s growth rate is expected to reach seven per cent. According to the International Monetary Fund (IMF), India is the only bright spot in the global economy. We have risen to become the fifth largest economy and, in Modi’s third term, India is on track to become the third largest,” Nadda noted.

He also spoke of the country’s progress in manufacturing and exports.

“Ten years ago, 92 per cent of our mobiles were imported; today, 97 per cent are made in India. We have become the third largest exporter of toys and are now a major global player in the automobile market. Our economic policies are not just transforming industries but also building infrastructure, with over Rs 10 lakh crore allocated for national projects,” he added.

Nadda highlighted the success of Ayushman Bharat, the world’s largest health coverage programme, benefiting 55 crore Indians, which will soon include an additional six crore elderly citizens. He urged the public to join the BJP’s mission to make India a developed nation, or ‘Viksit Bharat,’ by 2047 under Modi’s leadership.

BJP: A Transparent and Ideology-Based Party

Nadda presented the BJP as India’s only truly democratic and transparent party, contrasting it with other political organisations.

“There are over 5,000 political parties in India, but BJP stands out as the only national, democratic, ideology-based party with a mass following. Our membership drives are not mere formalities; they are taken seriously by leaders at all levels, from the Prime Minister to the grassroots workers.”

He explained the rigorous membership process, highlighting that the party’s leadership is not inherited but earned. “In the BJP, leaders emerge from the grassroots. After membership drives, we conduct transparent elections from the circle to the national level, ensuring only the most committed individuals rise to the top. This is why in our party, a leader’s son does not automatically become a leader; merit and dedication are the criteria.”

Nadda concluded by emphasising the strength and dedication of BJP’s 18 crore members, whose commitment renews every six years.

“Our systematic approach to membership and leadership renewal sets us apart and ensures that our party remains vibrant, transparent, and dedicated to serving the nation,” he said.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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