
Avoid These Mistakes While Applying for Schengen Visa

If you're an Indian traveller dreaming of walking through the historic streets of Europe, Fantastic! But hold your excitement—before you can sashay down the Champs-Élysées or gaze in awe at the Colosseum, there's a hurdle called the Schengen visa to conquer. For all the wanderlusters, here’s some wisdom on your path to European exploration.

First things first, let's decode the Schengen visa. This nifty little document allows you to travel across 29 European countries (yes, including the dreamy lands of France, Italy, Spain, and beyond) for up to 90 days within 180 days. It's your golden ticket to explore but remember, it doesn't grant you the right to earn a euro by toiling in a quaint European café.

The European Commission recently waved its bureaucratic wand and unveiled a "cascade" of visa happiness for Indians. What's this cascade, you ask? Well, it means you can now get a multi-entry Schengen visa that's valid for two years, provided you've played nice with the visa gods and held two previous visas in the past three years. Keep your passport well-fed yet with blank sufficient pages and a healthy shelf life, and voilà—you might even graduate to a five-year visa someday.

Now, let's talk about the treacherous traps that could derail your European dreams faster than you can say "Guten Tag."

Document Dilemmas: Many hopeful travellers have stumbled here, collecting papers based on hearsay from Baby Mausi or Raj Chacha. Here's a tip: embassy requirements can be as fickle as British weather. So, ditch the random advice and stick to the embassy's official checklist. Schengen Visa Info is your trustworthy companion, always updated and ready to steer you clear of document disasters.

Passport Puzzles: Your passport is your lifeline. Make sure it's not on its last legs—six months validity beyond your trip, issued in the last decade, and with two pristine blank pages. No last-minute page additions allowed; Follow these and avoid a direct "Auf Wiedersehen."

Form Fumbles: Ever played that game where your left hand has no clue what your right hand is doing? Don't let your visa application form turn into a comedy of errors. Double-check every detail against your other documents. Consistency is key—embassies love a well-coordinated applicant.

Insurance Ins-and-Outs: Don't be caught without a safety net! Schengen travel insurance is non-negotiable. Ensure it covers at least €30,000 for medical emergencies, including repatriation. Be prepared for your stay duration to end up with a shorter visa leash than you planned for.

Timing Tango: Timing is everything. No early birds or procrastinators are allowed in the Schengen visa game. File your application between six months and 15 working days before your departure. Too early or too fashionably late, and you risk a cold shoulder from the visa gods.

Embassy Etiquette: Well, the diplomatic dance of choosing the right embassy is your next step. Apply at the embassy of your main focus, meaning, the country you'll spend the most time in. Unless you're spreading your love equally with equal stay durations at each location, then it's the first stop on your Euro adventure trip.

Cash is King: Remember, in the land of Schengen visas, cash is king. No, you can't pay online or with a flashy card. Bring exact change and avoid those awkward moments at the embassy counter. Big bills? Save those for a splurge in Paris, not for visa fees.

Armed with these insights, you're now ready to tackle the Schengen visa labyrinth like a true explorer. Remember, while the process may seem daunting, a bit of preparation and a sprinkle of savoir-faire will see you through. Bon voyage, and may your European escapades be as grand as the Eiffel Tower itself! Safe travels, and don't forget to send a postcard—or better yet, an Instagram story—of your European conquests to us.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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