
Kalapather murder case: Police inspector in dock

Hyderabad: Mohammed Asad (35), the prime accused in the Kalapather murder case, who was arrested on June 24 along with eleven others by the south zone task force — was reported to be a close aide of one of the task force inspectors, and 10 days ago, Asad had told the inspector that he would be eliminating his rival Wajid, the reliable police sources said.

As per the CDR records it was found that accused Asad was in constant touch with the inspector. The duo used to have long conversations over the phone. Even two days before the execution of the murder plot of Wajid, Asad and the inspector in question had a long conversation on June 16. The senior officers had grilled the inspector in this regard to which he was not able to give satisfactory reply, sources said.

On June 18, Asad along with others had planned to eliminate Wajid but a passerby Syed Faqruddin, came forward and tried to save Wajid. But in the melee, the assailants stabbed Faqruddin and later he succumbed to his injuries. Prior to that Asad and his associates stabbed Wajid’s brothers — Khadeer and Sajid — when the brothers duo stopped them from attacking Wajid.
Asad, a resident of Kalapather locality was wanted in fourteen criminal cases and is also a hardcore rowdy-sheeter. He was working with the task force inspector in settling property disputes and was also involved in extortion and financial settlements, police sources stated.

At the behest of the said inspector, Asad and his cohorts used to meddle in disputed property and litigations and later the erring police officer was summoned to settle it. By the way the inspector and Asad’s gang were making money and they used to divide shares between them later on, sources added.

Accused Asad and the errant inspector had settled several disputes and thereby made money running into several lakhs of rupees.

During interrogation, Asad had spilled the beans before a senior police officer and revealed the name of the inspector in question. At present there is an internal departmental inquiry going on against the said inspector and he has been asked to report to the city police on a daily basis.

On the other, the task force detected Faqruddin’s murder on June 24. Hence, a press conference was convened by the deputy commissioner of police, south zone, Sneha Mehra, but the inspector was not present in the press meet nor his name was mentioned in the press release.

The last paragraph of the press statement issued on June 24 stated that “the arrests were made under the direction of DCP, task force, Rashmi Perumal, additional DCP, south zone, Shaik Jahangir, additional DCP, task force, A. Srinivas Rao, and assistant commissioner of police, Chatrinaka Division, Sri Ch. Chandra Sekhar. The operation was executed by a team led by inspector of police S. Ravi Kumar, Shahalibanda PS as well as members of the task force team. The supporting officers were — S. Seshu, K Janaiah, and constables K. Murali, L. Srikanth Rao, G. Saibaba, and V. Purushotham.”

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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