Kamal Davar | Fight ‘Khalistani’ mischief in West

One of the undying and sinister legacies Pakistan’s late military dictator Gen. Zia-ul Haq bequeathed to his nation was his “K-2” strategy of fomenting trouble in India’s strategic border states of Punjab and Jammu and Kashmir. “Bleeding India by a thousand cuts” was made the instrument for implementation of this evil policy. That in Punjab it did succeed to some extent in the 1980s can’t be denied, till it was decimated by the patriotic Sikhs themselves. In J&K, Pakistan’s mischief still continues, in spurts, with terrorism raising its ugly head off and on though, over the years, the number of incidents and casualties to both innocent civilians and security personnel has seen a remarkable reduction. The resurgence in terror-related incidents in J&K in the last few weeks can be attributed to a new government taking charge in Srinagar, after successful Assembly elections, which could not have been to Pakistan’s liking. That Pakistan will continue to make efforts to vitiate the atmosphere, peace and progress in J&K is a foregone conclusion.
Recently, “Khalistani” mischief has shown a resurgence in some Western nations, especially Canada, where “Khalistan” supporters have since the past few months come out openly in anti-India and anti-Hindu activities. Earlier this month, “Khalistani” goons attacked a gathering of peaceful worshippers at a Hindu temple in Brampton in the Greater Toronto region while a confrontation was narrowly avoided in Surrey, British Columbia, also on Sunday. Gurpatwant Singh Pannun of the terrorist outfit Sikhs for Justice, who has been designated as a terrorist by India, had reportedly masterminded both these attacks. The Canadian police has been accused of complicity with these violent mobs as it failed to take effective action to control the rampaging “Khalistani” supporters. But it was no surprise to observers of the nose-dive in relations between India and Canada, that the Canadian government, headed by India-baiting Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, has not yet condemned the “Khalistani” mobs which have been indulging in such acts against Canadian Hindus and desecrating of places of worship in Canada in the past few years. Even Indian diplomats and their families in Canada have faced grave threats. In the past few months, these “Khalistani” hardliners have had the temerity to tear down the Indian flag and also praise late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s assassins.
As is well known, Mr Trudeau, who is facing almost certain defeat in Canada’s general election due next year, is doing his best to appease “Khalistanis” as part of his vote bank strategy. Thus, when we in India at times accuse our politicians of vote bank politics, transcending people’s interests, we should realise that our politicians are in good company! Mr Trudeau, heedless of his nation’s long-term interests, may have ensured that India-Canada relations may not get repaired in the foreseeable future. Some Canadian Opposition leaders have, however, condemned Mr Trudeau’s apparent inaction in curbing these “Khalistani” extremists. Former MP and Conservative Party leader Maxime Bernier has said that “this complacency explains why ‘Khalistani’ extremism keeps growing in this country”, and added that though “pro-Khalistani” supporters are a minority among Canadian Sikhs, their vocal and aggressive tactics have effectively silenced the majority voices within the community.
Prime Minister Modi, otherwise known for his personal rapport with most world leaders, seldom publicly makes statements on foreign policy leaving it to his external affairs minister to do so. However, in this case, Mr Modi has unequivocally condemned the attack on the temple in Canada and urged Mr Trudeau’s government to ensure justice and uphold the rule of law. He has further criticised the “cowardly attempts to intimidate our diplomats”. Amazingly, the Canadian government, hinting at the Indian government’s hand in the killing of a designated terrorist, Canadian citizen Hardeep Singh Nijjar, has failed to provide any tangible proof, but continues to accuse India of the same, which has severely soured India-Canada relations.
Some foreign policy analysts are of the opinion that Canada is not alone in the stratagem to blame India for Nijjar’s killing and somewhere India’s “strategic partner”, the United States, is also involved in embarrassing India. The US, they claim, is unhappy with India’s lack of outright support to it in the Russia-Ukraine war and its continuing to buy oil supplies from Iran and Russia. Recent events in India’s Northeast and the political churning in Bangladesh, with adverse consequences for India, is also said to be a part of the overall US strategy. The US has anyway never been supportive of India’s “strategic autonomy” position in its foreign policy.
India must now fast track its measures to counter the “Khalistan” propaganda in Western nations, especially in Canada, the United States and Britain. It needs to strongly impress upon the incoming Trump administration in the US to crack down hard on separatism and violence by the “Khalistani” outfits which are backed by Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence.
New Delhi might do well to send all-party delegations, which should include eminent Sikhs from various walks of life, to visit these nations and impress upon the “Khalistan” supporters how they are being exploited to further the ISI’s agenda. The commonality and age-old bonds of the Hindu and Sikh faiths, the ethos, values and the sacrifices of the Sikh Gurus for their Hindu brethren should be impressed upon all. It is another matter that those leading the “Khalistanis” in the West are on the payroll of the ISI or China. The message will certainly reach the Sikh diaspora. In addition, a strict watch inside Punjab will also have to be maintained by India’s intelligence agencies to prevent any mischief being conceived by this nation’s enemies.