Mystic Mantra: Arabi's path of unconditional love
Ibn Arabi, Spain’s brightest Muslim mystic also known as “Shaikh-e-Akbar” (the greatest Sufi master) wrote in his sacred book in Arabic Tarjuman al-ashwaq (Translation of Desires): “My heart is capable of every form; it is a pasture for gazelles and a convent for monks, a temple for idols and the Ka’ba for pilgrims, and the tables of the Torah and the Quran. I follow the religion of love wherever its caravans are heading. Love is my religion, and love is my law.”
In fact, the soul of Islam has been protected by mystics like Ibn Arabi. Therefore, the extremist forces within Islam frowned upon their shrines and spiritual traditions, as they challenged their exclusivist philosophies. But in reality, Sufis’ mystic traditions have been very helpful in our daily life.