Mystic Mantra: Forgiveness works as a safety shield
Despite constantly watching our behaviour, sometimes we might unintentionally hurt others.

The vibrations created out of forgiveness construct an invisible safety shield around us. This shield is so powerful that it protects us from the negativity, evil eyes and curses of others.
Intentionally or unintentionally, many a time, we hurt others by our words or actions and generate negative feelings in their hearts towards us. These negative vibes spread in the universe, prompt situations or circumstances that cause sadness and agony in our lives.
The negative vibes of others (which can also be called curses) can bring many difficulties in life like economic losses in business, thefts, burglary, accidents, impediments during auspicious occasions, physical ailments, fear of unwanted events, anxiety, mental imbalance. Sometimes these vibes could also lead to an untimely death.
Many unwanted incidents in our lives occur as a result of others’ negative vibes or curses towards us but we often don’t pay attention to the root cause of such incidents. Because of this ignorance, we are unable to bring about positive changes in our behaviour and malicious thoughts. As a result, we attract unwanted situations in our life.
If we want to avoid such adverse situations in our life, the first thing we have to do is that we have to pay attention towards our behaviour. Our behaviour should be positive and polite so that our words should not hurt others, cause sadness, harm, betrayal or mental and physical distress. Once we start behaving in a positive manner, people will start liking us, and their positive vibes will resonate in the universe and create pleasant situations for us.
Despite constantly watching our behaviour, sometimes we might unintentionally hurt others. Under such situations, if we realise our mistake, we should seek forgiveness both in person and in our thoughts.
It is however possible that many a time, we do not realise that we have hurt someone’s feelings knowingly or unknowingly and attracted his negative vibrations (curses).
The only way to get rid of this is to seek forgiveness in our thoughts from our spouse, parents, children, siblings, in-laws, friends, relatives and all the creatures of the universe. In this way, by seeking forgiveness, we create a powerful safety shield around us and protect ourselves from being cursed.
Sadguru Rameshji is a modern age spiritual guru and the force behind Hyderabad-based Poorna Ananda.