
What is Pi Approximation Day Celebrated on July 22?

The Pi Approximation Day is celebrated on July 22 as the date 22/7 marks the approximate value of Pi (22.7).

However, Pi day is celebrated on March 14, as the date marks the actual value of Pi - 3.14.

Pi Approximation Day is observed to honour mathematics and the characteristics of π.

What is Pi?

π represents the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. It is represented as the Greek letter for or Pi and it is fractionally represented as 22/7 or 3.14 in decimal form.

Greek letter π was first used by William Jones in 1706 but it was later popularised by Leonhard Euler in 1737.


Pi has been known for nearly 4 millenia. Babylonians used its approximated values to calculate circles and Archimedes of Syracuse, an ancient Greek mathematician, was the first to calculate the value of π.


On this day, people engage in activities like dressing up as their favourite mathematician and also they have pie with their friends. The math enthusiasts engage in fun activities like sharing memes and facts related to Pi.

As Pi plays a key role in the calculation of the circumference of a circle, celebrating Pi Approximation Day is of great significance. Even the US space agency NASA uses it to calculate spacecraft trajectories.
( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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