
Andhra Pradesh: Free Bus Facility to Begin Within a Month

TD-led govt fulfilling its poll promise to AP women

Vijayawada: Minister for Transport, Sports and Youth Services, Mandipalli Ramprasad Reddy, assumed charge in his chamber in the AP Secretariat at Velagapudi in Amaravati on Sunday.

The minister affirmed that the Telugu Desam government led by chief minister Nara Chandrababu Naidu is committed to start the free bus facility for women within a month, fulfilling TD's major election promise.

Minister Reddy said he would aim to make Andhra Pradesh a road-accident-free state. Along with improving the condition of roads, necessary training programmes for RTC drivers will be organised.

He signed the first file on Sunday, which was to set up a driving training and research institute at an estimated cost of `18.51 crore.

The minister said he himself was a victim of road accident at the age of 11. He lost his father in a vehicle mishap. “I will take all the necessary measures to ensure that such loss and sorrow would not happen to anyone else hereafter.”

Ramprasad Reddy said the condition of the roads in the state has become chaotic during the last five years. He would discuss with chief minister Chandrababu Naidu and take appropriate steps to improve their condition.

As per the promise given in the TD election manifesto, “all women in AP will soon be provided free travel facility in APSRTC buses within a month after the government takes charge.”

Ramprasad Reddy said the country and the state were lagging behind in terms of having good sportspersons. “There is a need to promote the sports spirit among the youth. Sports help the youth to have mental happiness and physical fitness. We will try to organise sports events all 365 days every tear in order to promote sports in AP.”

The minister said the previous government had crippled APSRTC without fully integrating it into the government. Bot only did it not purchase new buses, but it also left the buses in poor condition without necessary and periodic repairs, he claimed.

He said the RTC’s assets worth crores of rupees were stolen by gangs or acquired at very cheap prices through the BOT (build, operate and transfer) mode. A committee will be formed to investigate all these and take appropriate action.

Transport additional secretary Narasimha Reddy, APSRTC executive directors Brahmananda Reddy, Ravi Verma and Chandrasekhar were among those who felicitated the minister by presenting him with flower bouquets on his first day in office.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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