Drone Surveillance at JNTUK Campus

Kakinada: Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kakinada has undertaken three prestigious projects to create an atmosphere conducive to research and innovation.
Firstly, a drone purchased at a cost of Rs.10 lakh will be deployed in the air for an hour every day. Its cameras will scan every nook and corner to detect anti-social activities, if any, on the campus.
JNTUK vice chancellor-incharge, Muralikrishna said that the drone flight service will detect those who openly drink alcohol, use cigarettes or do any other anti-social activity. Besides, a drone manufacturing organisation will send its personnel to teach the students how drones are manufactured and deployed.
Secondly, a Humanoid will be deployed on the University campus to greet visitors with a Hello. It would perform simple tasks like picking garbage and providing drinking water to the visitors. It will be bought for Rs.10 lakh and such equipment would also be manufactured at the university.
A third project is for generation of ‘Wealth from Waste’. For the past four decades, four rooms of the electrical department have been filled with electrical waste. The University would set up a museum on the campus for these outdated products.