Two-Day Aatashala Starts at Anantapur Sports Village
Anantapur: Anantapur Sports Academy of the Rural Development Trust, in collaboration with Generalitat Valenciana, is hosting Aatashala, a two-day conference at the Anantapur Sports Village from Friday.
Aatashala is bringing together over 25 organisations, practitioners, educators and professionals from across India to explore and share how sports can help children and young people learn life skills and values, and improve their self-confidence.
The conference will focus on key themes, such as equitable sports participation, girls' and women’s leadership in sports, and life skills education through sports. Participants will engage in workshops, panel discussions, and collaborative dialogues aimed at driving sustainable social impact through sport.
Anantapur Sports Academy director Sai Krishna Pulluru gave the introductory address.
Suheil Tandon and Akash Thapa of Pro Sport Development, Orissa, spoke on Life Skills and Values through Sports. Aditi Mutatkar of Simply Sports Foundation, Bangalore, dwelt on Empowering Women and Girls through Participation in Sports.
ASA female athlete G. Keerthana and ASA male coach R. Kumar were present.
Rural Development Trust programme director Moncho Ferrer will set the context on Saturday.