
GHMC Announces Street Dog Sterilization and Anti-Rabies Vaccination Initiative

Hyderabad: The GHMC said that they it would take up the survey of street dogs as per protocol, and conduct the birth control and anti-rabies vaccine programme in a systematic and geographical approach to ensure 100 per cent sterilisation of dogs.

They said that sterilising the strays would ensure that no new dogs were born; a female dog's instinct to protect her pups or a male's competitive mating instinct was removed. Dogs become docile post-sterilisation, the GHMC said.

The corporation also said it would also eliminate open dumping of trash — garbage vulnerable points —to ensure that strays had no food sources.

To mitigate the adverse effects of a dog bite incident, officials said that a rapid response team headed by the jurisdictional veterinary officer, will be set up in each circle of GHMC.

A state animal birth control monitoring and implementation committee meeting, headed by MA&UD department principal secretary, M. Dana Kishore will be held on Monday to discuss the measures to be taken to prevent dog bite incidents.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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