
Samsung strike over

Chennai: The curtain was rung down on the strike by employees of the Chennai plant of Samsung India Electronics Private Limited since September 9 with the signing of a Memorandum of Agreement by the company represented by its Managing Director Yoon Sung-hyun and the workmen on Monday.

Samsung Chennai would prioritize the implementation of measures to improve the working environment for the welfare of its workmen that included enhancing the competitiveness of wages and also continuously consult with the workmen committee in the implementation of the measures, the agreement said.

‘As an immediate measure and recognising the current financial situation, the Company will provide an interim special incentive by the name of Productivity Stabilization Incentive equivalent to Rs 5,000 per month, effective from October 2024, upto March 2025,’ the agreement said.

Among the other issues were the expansion of the operation of air conditioned buses by next year from the present 5 routes 108 routes, increasing the number of workmen family invitation events in a year from 4 to 6 times a year with each family getting a gift worth around Rs 2,000 in every event.

The Company providing an additional immediate assistance of Rs 1,00,000 to the family of employees who die in service, opening a new medical room in the compressor building, diversifying the cafeteria menu and increase meal allowances, upgrading break rooms and restrooms in the manufacturing building, replacing old lockers in the production line, installing canopies between building in recognition of the need to walk and enhancing the number the vacations were some of the benefits for the employees that were agreed upon.

On the issue of leave facility, a three days marriage leave, five day paternity leave (now it is 3 day) for the birth of the first and second child and to bring in changes in the number of vacations in consultation with the workmen committee were decided.

Many other benefits for the workers like a gift card of Rs 2000 on the birth of child were also agreed upon by the management, represented by Yoon Sung-hyun, and worker representatives, Sathish, Ravichandran, Suresh, Senthil, Chitra, Vandivelan and Prakash.

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