350 students get tips on online safety, ill-affect of drug abuse
The police officers told students about the ill-affect of drug abuse, and how to embrace healthy lifestyle

Hyderabad: Around 350 students were given tips on crucial issues affecting their well-being and safety on the premises of St Ann’s school in Secunderabad, on Wednesday. Shedding light on the awareness and interaction programme to educate school students, Sadhana Rashmi Perumal, DCP north zone, said, “The purpose of the event was to raise awareness on topics such as physical and mental health, cybercrimes, drug abuse, gender sensitivity among others.”
During the interaction programme, the students showed keen interest and raised doubts, Rashmi said.
How to maintain good health, spotting signs of mental health and seeking help when needed, were discussed during the programme, the DCP said.
Our officers explained to the participants the online safety tips, recognising cyber threats, how to protect personal information and data, and how to remain cautious in online transactions and communication, the DCP added.
Besides, the police officers told students about the ill-affect of drug abuse, and how to embrace healthy lifestyle.
The participants were also advised to give respect to all genders, which would help foster an inclusive environment. The objective of the event was to empower students, make them informed decision, developing healthy habits and other social responsibilities. The response of the students was fruitful and proactive, said Rashmi Perumal, in a press statement.