
6 gates of Nagarjuna Sagar Project opened to release 30,000 cusecs water

Hyderabad: Telangana Irrigation department officials on Monday opened half a dozen crest gates of Nagarjuna Sagar Project (NSP) and released as many as 30,000 cusecs of water downstream into the Krishna River.

Officials are releasing over 5,000 cusecs of water from each gate from 11 to 16 totaling 30,000 cusecs of water. They said a decision on opening more gates would be taken based on the massive inflows that are receiving from Srisailam Dam.

Before releasing water, the officials in coordination with the district administration sounded an alert to those residing in the areas downstream of the NSP and advised them to exercise more caution before entering the river.

NSP Chief Engineer Sudershan said the gates were opened following instructions from the Irrigation Minister N Uttam Kumar Reddy after assessing the inflows to the NSP from Srisailam and adjoining catchment areas.

According to ENC G Anil Kumar, the present capacity in NSP is 283 tmc. A level of 585 (297 tmc) will be maintained during flood time, as per the established protocol.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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