
Dana Kishore Directs Officials To Check Water Supply Quality, Finish Pending Road Works

Hyderabad: M. Dana Kishore, principal secretary, municipal administration and urban development (MAUD) department, advised Water Board officials to ensure the adherence to quality standards in drinking water supply, given the risk of contamination due to the heavy rain. He asked them to go on field visits and address issues related to sewage and drinking water supply.

He also directed officials to set up of a control room to respond quickly to public complaints.

Dana Kishore urged that special attention be given to the storage, purification, chlorination, pumping, transmission, and distribution processes—from water collection to supply to consumers.

He advised the Water Board officials to coordinate with the GHMC in problematic areas and focus specifically on waterlogging points. Water quality tests should be conducted in flood-prone areas, and chlorine tablets should be distributed where neded. He directed that water be supplied through tankers in areas if the water supply was contaminated.

In a separate meeting, he directed engineering officials and agencies to swiftly complete the pending works under the Comprehensive Road Maintenance Programme. He also stressed on the completion of painting of central medians and curbs, lane marking, and the installation of signboards.

The SRDP works under the Signal-Free City initiative should also be completed within the stipulated time if they are pending after the main works are done.

Kishore directed that the pending works under the SNDP for nala development should be completed swiftly.

He also instructed officials to prepare slides with photographs and public feedback before and after the works are carried out. Agencies should submit audit reports for the works completed so far. He insisted that the pending works be completed by the end of this month, and payments should be made only after the works are fully completed.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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