
Focus on autos as schools reopen in Hyderabad

Hyderabad: The commencement of the new academic years has once against brought to spotlight an important element for school-going children: Transportation. Autorickshaws play an important role in this aspect by dropping and picking up students wherein the drivers also double up as caretakers, who are responsible for the safety of the children.

However, transport authority officials caution parents and guardians to keep a constant check on the drivers and also suggest opting for school buses.

Many autorickshaw drivers, school and RTA officials spoke of their experiences in this regard.
Mohd Omar Khan, a driver, said “I am engaged in transporting students schools in Secunderabad. This is a very responsible duty and we accomplish this with diligence as we would our children. Our ID cards, driving licence and conduct report are taken by the parents. Most drivers are in this field for over two decades now.”

C. Geetha Samuel, coordinator at St Paul’s High School in Gandhinagar, said, “Most parents opt for autorickshaws for their children. After the class, our teachers, helpers and watchmen will identify the driver. It is after confirmation that the child is handed over to the driver.”

M. Purushotham Reddy, from the Road Transport Authority, Hyderabad, said, “we recommend parents to go in for school buses as they are a safer option. There will be an attendant, who accompanies students throughout the journey. And the school management will keep track of the journey. When an autorickshaw driver comes to pick up children, parents must make sure that he is sober. Parents who send their children by autorickshaws must have all details and contacts of the driver.”

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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