Formula E Racing scam: ACB team grills UK firm’s reps for five hours virtually

Hyderabad:Continuing their investigation into the Formula E Racing irregularities, officials from the ACB on Monday virtually questioned representatives of the UK-based firm — Formula E Racing Operations.
Reportedly, during the five-hour questioning the officials collected details and soft copies from them.
Earlier, the ACB served notices to the management of the UK firm asking them to appear before the agency for questioning in connection with the ongoing probe into the irregularities of formula E racing case. The firm management sought time and consented to appear virtually.
While interacting orally, the ACB officials focused on collecting details in the form of soft copies in connection with the proposals for conducting Formula E races in Hyderabad.
Sources said that the ACB officials reportedly obtained details related to the then BRS government's invitation to the Formula E Racing Operations in Hyderabad, details of the individuals on behalf of the then government, agreements made between the government and Formula E Racing Operations and money transactions of `54 crore from HMDA to the UK firm’s accounts.
ACB officials questioned them about violations while signing the agreements without the cabinet approval and illegal fund transactions between Formula E Racing Operations and the HMDA.