
Hyderabad Air Force Academy Commandant Shrinivas reviews graduation ceremony

Hyderabad: To mark successful completion of training of 148 Air Traffic Surveillance Services (ATSS) course and 112 Air Traffic Management and Air Laws course, a graduation ceremony was held at Air Traffic Control Officers’ Training Establishment (ATCOTE) on Thursday.

Air Marshal S Shrinivas, Commandant, Air Force Academy, graced the occasion as Reviewing Officer.

Officers from the Indian Air Force, Indian Army and Indian Coast Guard were part of the six months long ATM & AL(B) course and Officers from the Indian Air Force, Indian Navy, and Hindustan Aeronautics Limited formed part of the ATSS, a three months long mid – level course.

Later, Air Marshal S Shrinivas, addressed the gathering and congratulated the graduating officers. Highlighting the critical role of Air Traffic Controllers in military aviation when most of the military bases are now converted to joint user aerodromes, the Air Marshal acknowledged their immense involvement in smooth implementation of flexible use of airspace.

He also emphasized on the need to facilitate usage of restricted airspace for expediting traffic after the introduction of Conditional Routes in military airspace.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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