
Send Swachh Survekshan Feedback by March 31

They need to answer 10 questions related to sanitation in their city executed by the Urban Local Body (ULB).

Hyderabad: As a survey by the Central government to rank the cleanest and the dirtiest cities in India is underway, people can participate in it by visiting and send their feedback.

The last date to send feedback is March 31 and it will have a direct impact on the rankings. The feedback carries 500 marks out of 12,500.

The performance of ULB is being assessed quarterly, in four phases. The ULBs should regularly update their monthly Management Information System (MIS), which will be validated through citizen feedback before final rankings are determined by third-party assessors.

The cities are being ranked as a part of Swachh Survekshan conducted by the ministry of housing and urban affairs (MoHUA).

One of the component of Swachh Survekshan 2024 is getting citizens feedback and by clicking the link and entering the OPT people can participate.

They need to answer 10 questions related to sanitation in their city executed by the Urban Local Body (ULB).

How often do you see unattended garbage dumps or garbage piles near your area? How would you rate the cleanliness of your residential area in terms of visible litter and regular sweeping? And how satisfied are you with the cleanliness and maintenance of public toilets in your area? These are the three among the 10 questions.

Already, around 14,000 people from the Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation (GHMC) have already participated in the survey. This year, the cities will be ranked on 12,500 marks and over 4,900 ULBs from different parts of the country are participating.


Swachh Survekshan 2024: Ranking will be given this year i.e. in 2025

Assessment pattern:

Swachh Survekshan: 12,500 marks

Number of Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) participating: Over 4,900

Theme : Reduce, Reuse & Recycle

10 Major factors in Swachh Survekshan Rankings

Visible cleanliness

Segregation, collection & transportation of waste

Solid waste management

Access to sanitation

Used water management

Mechanization of desludging services

Advocacy for Swachhta

Ecosystem strengthening & institutional

Overall welfare of sanitation workers

Citizen feedback & grievance redressal

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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