
LG Electronics Serves Nutritious Meals to Students at MPUPS Himayat Sagar School

Hyderabad: LG Electronics India has launched this year's activities for its flagship Life's Good Nutrition Program with a special event organized at MPUPS Himyath Sagar School in Hyderabad. Conducted in collaboration with The Akshaya Patra Foundation and Annapoorna Trust, the event marked the beginning of the 2024 phase of the program, which continues to focus on enhancing the educational and nutritional well-being of children from marginalized communities.

The event in Hyderabad saw the participation of 100 students, who were engaged in various activities designed to stimulate creativity and foster a sense of community. The children took part in coloring and drawing sessions, and each student was provided with coloring crayons to encourage their artistic expression. The event concluded with the serving of nutritious meals and distribution of gifts, emphasizing the program’s core mission of providing essential nourishment to support the health and learning of young students.

The event was organized under LG’s Life’s Good Nutrition Program, launched in 2019 which has been pivotal in enhancing the nutritional status of children across India, contributing to their overall growth and academic success. In alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the program continues to focus on Zero Hunger, Good Health & Well-being, Quality Education, and Reduced Inequalities. Since its inception, the program has expanded significantly, and in 2024, it aims to reach over 1.50 lakh students nationwide.

( Source : Press Release )
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