
Schools Reopen in Telangana With New Timings

Hyderabad: Wednesday marked the end of summer holidays for millions of students as it was ‘back to school’ following the reopening of schools across the state.

In keeping with the dawn of a new academic year, students went to their respective classrooms with renewed enthusiasm and zest.

Meanwhile, the reopening was accompanied by several significant changes and launch of new initiatives that are aimed at enhancing the educational experience.

One of the key changes implemented by the school education department is the adjustment of class hours for government schools. To align with private institutions, classes began at 9 am. Primary schools operated until 4 pm, secondary schools until 4.15 pm, while high schools started at 9.30 am. Earlier, schools in the twin cities ran from 8.45 am to 3.45 pm.

The Telangana government’s Badi Bata programme has found more takers on Wednesday, said Murali Shekar from Nirmal district, while hoping that things would get much better by June 19.

Minister Ponnam Prabhakar highlighted the government's commitment to improve educational infrastructure.

Speaking at the Government Model High School in Abids, where he distributed free uniforms and textbooks to students, Prabhakar stated, “Despite the Lok Sabha election code, we provided infrastructure worth `1,100 crore across 26,000 government schools. Education remained neglected over the past decade but our government is prioritising it. We urge parents to enroll their children in government schools.”

Meanwhile, the Badi Bata programme was conducted under the leadership of headmaster Ramana Murthy at Lal Bazaar government high school.

Cantonment MLA Sriganeesh distributed uniforms and textbooks on the occasion.

“I will strive to elevate every government school in the constituency and bring their standards on par with corporate schools," he said.

Going further, he said “We are strengthening government schools beyond political boundaries. We will soon fill all vacant teacher posts through a mega DSC.”

Minister Ponguleti Srinivasa Reddy distributed textbooks and uniforms to students at a school in Ramannapet, Paleru constituency, Khammam district.

He stated, “The Congress government prioritises education. We are teaching both Telugu and English mediums and aim to establish one international school per constituency to provide quality education to underprivileged children.”

At the Badi Bata programme in Adilabad, MP Godam Nagesh, MLA Payal Shankar, and DEO Praneeth distributed free textbooks and uniforms to students and encouraged them to excel academically.

The academic calendar for the year includes 229 working days, with 13 days allotted for Dasara vacation, five days for Christmas for missionary schools, and five days for Sankranti for non-missionary schools.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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