Siddipet police place caution boards at water bodies to avert drowning incidents

Hyderabad: Following the drowning incident at Kondapochammasagar in Siddipet in which five youngsters from Musheerabad lost their lives a few days ago, the police put up caution boards asking the people not to enter the water.
The police placed flexi boards at all the water bodies in the district advising the people not to swim in the water, Siddipet Police Commissioner B Anuradha said.
These boards were put up at Kondapochammasagar, Mallannasagar, Ranganayakasagar, Anthagiri project, Komaticheruvu, Yellammacheruvu and Pandavulacheruvu. The water levels in these water bodies were filled to the brim due to heavy rains in the monsoon.
She asked the parents to keep a tab on their children and advise them not to visit water bodies in the interest of their safety.