Sultania reviews power supply situation in Telangana

Hyderabad: Principal Secretary, Energy, and TGGenco Chairman and Managing Director Sandeep Kumar Sultania on Wednesday reviewed the present power supply position in the State at Vidyut Soudha here.
He has also reviewed the on-going works of TGTransco and TGDiscoms to meet the up-coming rabi demand and summer loads without any constraints. He examined the existing transmission network of 400KV, 220KV & 132KV level and instructed Transmission director and field engineers to expedite the ongoing EHV substation works along with associated line works so as to complete all the schemes before the onset of summer.
While reviewing the works of the distribution network of TGSPDCL and TGNPDCL, it was instructed to identify the likely issues to be faced in upcoming summer season by analyzing the problems faced in the past and keeping in view the rapid growth of electricity demand especially in GHMC area.
It was also directed to take up the procurement process well in advance and maintain sufficient stocks of equipment such as distribution transformers, circuit breakers, insulators, poles etc for timely execution of works.
During the meeting, Sultania directed all power utilities to continue to strive hard to take required measures to maintain quality and reliable power supply throughout the State. Instructions have been issued to field engineers to be present at their headquarters to attend to any emergencies.
Further, it was cautioned that any laxity in extending consumer service will be viewed seriously.