
Telangana Govt. to implement Vehicle Fleet Modernization Policy

Hyderabad: The State government has decided to implement Vehicle Fleet Modernization Policy (VVMP) in line with the recent amendments to the MV Act and similar to other States, which is aimed at providing incentives for encouraging a voluntary eco-system for phasing out end of life vehicles in the interest of road safety and clean environment.

The amendments in the Motor Vehicle Act introduced enabling provisions for establishment of Registered Vehicles Scrapping Facilities (RVSFs) and Automated Testing Stations (ATS). These amendments envisaged RVSFs and ATS to be technologically advanced, transparent and environmentally safe in their operations.

This VVMP includes Registered Vehicle Scrapping Facilities (RVSF) and Automated Testing Stations (ATS). VVMP is a step towards transforming and introducing a regime of fit vehicles to ply on the roads thereby increasing Road Safety. The policy is a perfect blend of incentives and concessions making the roads safe and promoting clean air.

The objectives of VVMP are a significant step towards modern mobility and an enhanced cleaner environment. The policy outlines key steps for facilitating setting up of registered vehicle scrapping facilities and also Automated Testing Stations.

The Registered Vehicle Scrapping Policy (RVSF) is to promote safe scrapping of vehicles and enhance value discovery. RVSF will ensure that vehicles are scrapped in an environmentally friendly and safe manner and will also promote a scientific scrapping process. Transparent operation of Automated Fitness Testing Stations forms the backbone for the smooth implementation of VVMP.

It will create a robust eco system for safe roads and a well-structured scrapping policy thereby increasing the overall road safety of all users. The VVMP is a multidimensional policy with a positive impact on the economy, generating employment and creating a clean environment.

Through this policy, pollution will be reduced by Voluntary Scrapping old and unfit vehicles. Improves road, passenger and vehicular safety improve fuel efficiency and reduces maintenance cost for vehicle owners.

Scrapping of end-of-life vehicles will lead to substantial reduction and emissions due to vehicular pollution. To the extent of privately owned vehicles, through the voluntary vehicle scrapping policy, the State government is trying to promote the scrapping of end of life vehicles by offering incentives in the form of two types of concessions.

First one is MV Tax concession upon voluntarily scrapping the end-of-life vehicles and upon buying new vehicle of the same category, with the submission of certificate of deposit and second type of concession is one time waiver of certain liabilities like penalty on quarterly tax and green tax collectable on the vehicles which are turning up voluntarily for Scrapping for the next two years from the date of this notification.

To the extent of government vehicles, as mandated in Section 52A of MV Act, they will be mandated to scrap through e-auction, in a phased manner, duly giving priority to the vehicles which are in use for the longest time.

Scrapping of Government Vehicles:

In pursuance of Rule 52 A of Central Motor Vehicle Rules-1989, The State government has decided to scrap the Government vehicles belonging to State Government, Municipal Corporations, State Transport Undertakings, Public Sector Undertakings, Autonomous bodies owned or controlled by State Government which have completed more than 15 years of age from the date of registration duly following the extant guidelines and procedure for disposal of government vehicles through e-auction in a phased manner duly giving priory for those vehicles which are in use for maximum number of years.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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