TGPSC Group 2 Exam Hall Tickets Available from December 9

Hyderabad:The Telangana State Public Service Commission (TGPSC) on Thursday released the schedule for the Group-II examination, as per Notification 28/2022. The exams, conducted in an OMR-based format, are set to take place on December 15 and 16 across four sessions.
On December 15, the first session, featuring Paper-I on general studies and general abilities, will be held from 10 am. Entry will be closed at 9.30 am. The second session the same day will cover Paper-II, consisting of history, polity, and society, from 3 pm, with the gates closing at 2.30 pm.
On December 16, the exam for Paper-III will be conducted on economy and development from 10 am, with the gates closing at 9.30 am. The final session that day will feature Paper-IV on Telangana movement and state formation, from 3 pm, with entry being barred at 2.30 pm.
Each paper consists of 150 objective-type questions for 150 marks and will be available in English and Telugu, or English and Urdu. The commission has advised candidates to download the sample OMR answer sheet from the TSPSC website from November 20 to familiarise themselves.