
Thrust on educations helped Malas pip Madigas in getting quota benefits

Hyderabad: Although madigas account for a major share among the SC population’s 61 castes, they failed to gain reservation benefits to proportionate levels. Madigas constitute more than half of the SC population, whereas the other major chunk of Malas is availing most reservation benefits. This is the main reason for demanding categorization of SC reservation.

As per the 2011 census, Madigas constitute 32.33 lakh and Malas 15.27 lakh in Telangana. The Budga Jangam and Netakani are the only other two castes among the SCs, who have over one lakh population in the state.

The other major castes among the SCs are Chamars (17,068), Manne (29,656), Gosangi (23,351) and Bindla (13,082). The rest of the castes of the socio-economic disadvantaged sections constitute less than 10,000 people.

Some communities like Adi Dravida, Anamukh, Arundhatiya, Bariki, Bavuri, Chachati, Chalavadi, Chambhar, Chandala, Dhandasi, Ghasi, Godari, Holeya, Jambhuvulu, Pamidi, Panchama, Samban, Sapru, Yatala and Valluvan have less than 1,000 population in the entire state.

Talking to Deccan Chronicle, Satavahana University Professor in sociology Prof. Surepally Sujatha said that almost all caste groups among the SCs, except Malas, are engaged in their respective traditional caste occupations. This is also the reason education took a backseat. In contrast, Malas who focussed on education, went ahead and got reservation benefits. There are many such families among other castes of SCs, whose first generation also did not gain reservation benefits in employment, she said.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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