
Union accuses UoH of targeting minorities, management denies

Hyderabad: The University of Hyderabad (UoH) is embroiled in a controversy following the suspension of five student activists who protested against the withholding of Students' Union funds and the cancellation of Sukoon, the university's annual cultural fest.

The suspension has ignited a wave of protests and accusations of targeting marginalised student leaders. The suspended students include Students' Union President Ateeq Ahmed and
four members of the Students Federation of India (SFI) - Kripa Maria George, Asika V.M., Sohel Ahmed, and G. Mohit.

"We, who come from marginalised backgrounds, have long fought to overcome social and economic barriers. The administration's actions are an attempt to silence dissent and threaten our academic careers," said an emotional Ateeq.

On Wednesday evening, UoH students gathered in front of the Administration Building demanding revocation of the suspensions. The administration, however, refused to reopen past incidents
such as Rohith Vemula case where "punitive measures were used to stifle student activism.

“This is an attack on free speech and student activism. The administration is targeting minority student leaders and using tactics of financial hardship and fellowship cuts to threaten our academic careers and social existence," another SU memeber added. The Students' Union has now planned a sit-in protest at Velivada, North Shopcom.

The university management maintained that the suspensions were in response to the disruptive protests by the students, which included unauthorised entry into the Vice-Chancellor’s residence. The administration claimed that the decision to postpone Sukoon was due to logistical challenges and the Model Code of Conduct in force.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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