
Woman on early morning walk attacked by 15 stray dogs in Manikonda

HYDERABAD: A woman, on an early morning walk, was attacked by around 10-15 stray dogs at Chitrapuri hills in Manikonda on Saturday, sparking massive outrage. However, she managed to escape despite bite injuries.

CCTV footage of the attack went viral on social media, setting off massive debate about threats from stray dogs. According to the victim’s husband, she began fending with a slipper in her hand, but the dogs bit her.

Amid this, a biker came along seeing whom the dogs moved away.

The woman’s husband, in his video, appealed to the people not to feed stray dogs inside the colony. He said his wife could have died, and added that it would have been a much more dangerous incident if the dogs had attacked children.

Many people reacted on social media and called upon the GHMC authorities to control the menace by shifting strays to rescue homes.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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