
Holistic Healing

With a focus on holistic well-being, people are planning for getaways to regain some form of calm and purpose in life

Drained of the city’s grind and turmoil, retreat and wellness spaces have become safe havens for holistic nourishment to the body, mind and soul. Many across the age spectrum are delving into the realms of mental nourishment and well-being. People go there to destress, manage anxiety, grief, pain, or simply get some clarity and bounce back with a greater sense of self-awareness. “These retreat spaces and centres are the need of the hour,” says Vaishali Sridhar, General Manager, Viveda Wellness Retreat, Nashik. These spaces create an atmosphere of peace, calm, and healing that helps individuals connect and correct inner ailments. Today, mental and emotional health along with one’s physical health have become crucial. “Any space that offers respite from the relentless pace and noise of city life is a haven for rejuvenation,” says Keyur Barad, Co-Founder of Chlorophyll Estate.

Wellness Trend

Diving into the many tangents wellness or retreat centres manage to touch, Manish Goyal, Founder of Sukoon Retreat and Spa in Uttarakhand says, “In a fast-paced and stress-laden environment, retreat and wellness centres provide a sanctuary for individuals seeking respite, self-discovery and holistic healing.”

Many retreat centres have yoga, meditation, ayurvedic treatments, nature walks and hikes, and arts and crafts workshops for people to engage. Visitors seeking solace in these spaces often want a crucial break from the hustle culture of cities. These spaces help individuals to dive deeper within themselves rather than look for solutions outside.

Manish says, “These centres act as a buffer, helping individuals recharge and return to their lives with a renewed sense of calm and purpose.” Coach Sid from the Breakthrough Weekend says a variety of experiences are designed at retreats ranging from thought exercises & coaching, playful games, well-being experiences, and community dinners to name a few.

Diverse Folks

Many individuals suffering from the loss of a dear one or emotional turmoil need a safe haven to vent and let sad memories flow. They also manage to find a way toward inner healing and acceptance. Vaishali believes that the lost art of simple or heart-to-heart conversations also heals.

Kunjil Bid, a retail shopkeeper from Mumbai speaks of his experience at a wellness centre. “The experience not only helped me relax but also allowed us to have a peaceful getaway.” However, Kunjil points out that many of these wellness spaces and retreats are unaffordable. “They serve a certain segment of the population. But stress, grief and worry affect all of us.” Abhilash Ramesh Kalathil, Executive Director at Kairali Ayurvedic Group says that 70% of their guests revisit them.

Geetika Sharma, Director, Wellness Strategy, Ananda in the Himalayas says, “Those who visit are often individuals who lead high-stress, demanding lives and seek a serene environment to unwind.” Nimisha Kothari speaks of her visit and firmly says, “It changed my life. I was dealing with severe clinical depression.”

While these centres and spaces gain more recognition over time, rising awareness along with the adoption of preventive healthcare measures surely seems to give a boost to such spaces.

These retreat spaces and centers are the need of the hour” — Vaishali Sridhar, GM, Viveda Wellness Resort, Nashik

These centers act as a buffer, helping people recharge and return to their lives with a renewed sense of calm and purpose.” — Manish Goyal, Founder, Sukoon Retreat & Spa, Uttarakhand

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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