
Shape up in your home

You don't need to go to a gym to exercise. These simple workouts can be done in the privacy of your living room.

Need to work out but can’t find the time to go to the gym? Here are a few exercises that need nothing more than a yoga mat (if you must) and a commitment from you to set aside a few minutes, in the comfort of your living room or balcony. From cardio and yoga to stretching, we’ve got it all covered.

The Naukasan

This is called the boat pose. The balance is very important in this one. It’s for your abs and it helps in improving your balance because you’re balancing just on your hips. It’s important here to arch your back and press your chest up so that there is no pressure on your lower back or it can get injured.

The Squats
This is a vital exercise to get fit. Especially for those who want a sexy butt and toned glutes. This is also something that if not done right, can injure your knees and/or back. A strong core helps you to do this properly. You just have to push your hips back, go down and come up slowly. The lower you go, the better you can tone your glutes.


The Warrior
This is a called the warrior. You are on a lunge and doing a namaste in the air and stretching. It’s a part of yoga actually. It stretches your hamstrings really well and I always do it after my legs workout or even with yoga in the morning. It also increases your self–confidence because you can do it with mindful mightiness. Holding it for even a few counts really works on your confidence.

The WarriorThe Warrior

This is very good for the legs. You have to do a namaste behind your back and the higher your arms go, the better it is. It’s very good because it really relaxes you.


The Side Plank

The plank strengthens the core and is one of the most important exercises, because if your core is strong then everything falls into place.

Side Plank Side Plank The plank should be done as the first exercise of any workout because it warms up your core and puts less pressure on the back. It also strengthens your sides and gives the curves.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle. )
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