
Son-rise in UP on the cards?

Akhilesh Yadav may see turbulence in the coming months, his stars show that he may be in Prime Ministerial race after 2023.

A lot has been happening in Uttar Pradesh politics recently, with special focus on the Samajwadi Party and Akhilesh Yadav. While some believe that this year may mark an end to Akhilesh's power-party in this highly significant state of India, there are some who feel that he will continue to reign supreme. But Ganesha predicts that things may take an unfavourable turn for him and hve may not be able to retain his crown.

Horoscope highlights

Akhilesh is born with Virgo Ascendant and the Lord of the Ascendant Mercury is placed with Venus in the 11th House. He is thus, very intelligent, dynamic and spontaneous. It makes him a charismatic leader who has the ability to connect with voters. His strong conviction and intuition generally guide him to take important political decisions and stand firm against opposing views from others.

What makes him so influential in UP Politics?

The Lord of 10th House Mercury is in exchange with the Lord of 11th House Moon. It makes him a very efficient and shrewd strategist. This configuration helps him to get support from various sections of society and establish influential contacts. The placement of four planets, including the luminaries in the 10th House indicates his sense of duty, willpower and a capacity to build and control his party ably and effectively. Mars is aspecting the 10th House, making him stubborn sometimes and choosy about people.

Results won’t meet his expectations

Such strong planetary configurations in his chart make him a very ambitious leader. He leads from the front. However, afflicted luminaries and placement of Saturn and Ketu in the 10th House make his task difficult. The pace of his undertakings gets slowed down unexpectedly and the results he gets for his efforts also tend to be below-par at times.

Disputes with father and power clashes

The same combination mentioned above indicates severe resistance and opposition from senior party leaders and disputes with his father, Mulayam Singh Yadav on certain issues.

The current scenario

Akhilesh is currently under the influence of Mercury Mahadasha. The strong Mercury Dasha period has helped him significantly to become the youngest CM of UP. But the ongoing Saturn Bhukti has been creating severe problems for him. As the transiting Jupiter is passing through the Ascendant, he will gain more prominence and strength and may also get benefits from the current controversies. CM Akhilesh will be able to make his presence felt in UP politics. But the disputes and defections within the party may make things tricky for him.

Will he sail through the UP Electoral storm?

His strong leadership will boost his party's prospects in the forthcoming Assembly Elections. However, current planetary influences do not indicate a landslide victory or thumping success. He will not be able to retain his prominence and may also face problems in retaining the CM post.

Akhilesh for PM?

The forthcoming Ketu Mahadasha also indicates stiff resistance and challenges in his political career post the UP Assembly Elections 2017. His chart however, indicates that he will surely make a mark in UP state politics and will also become a prominent leader of the opposition in National politics. His chart also indicates possibilities to become PM of India or that he may at least run for the PM candidacy after 2023.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle. )
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