
Rahul's charm may fail to woo voters

Though his efforts to revive his party's fortunes may be sincere, the planets may not support him.

Rahul Gandhi is in an unenviable position of leading the monolithic Congress Party whose political fortunes are diminishing as fast as its mass perception as an utterly corrupt party. Though Gandhi hails from the Nehru-Gandhi family, his personal charisma comes nowhere near his father Rajiv Gandhi or his grandmother Indira Gandhi, both former prime ministers of India who were assassinated. It was due to this fact that Rahul had to study abroad under a pseudonym, his identity being known only to a select few including university officials and security agencies.

Rahul Gandhi led the Congress campaign in the 2014 Indian general election in which the party suffered its worst electoral defeat in its history, winning only 44 seats compared to 206 seats won previously in the 2009 general election. Even after that, it has been one saga of defeat after defeat for Rahul Gandhi and the Congress Party in every election in which he has campaigned. Many critics feel that due to his total lack of mass appeal, the Congress party will find it difficult during elections. However, Ganesha feels that though Rahul’s efforts to revive the party’s fortunes may be sincere, he may not get enough support from the planets to be successful.

Well-Placed Planets Serve the Political Influence on Rahul’s Platter
In Rahul Gandhi’s Chart, ascendant is vargottama. Also, Jupiter is placed in the ascendant which is also vargottama. The Lord of ninth house Lord Mercury is also vargottama. Mars and Sun are placed in the ninth house (house of fortune) and in shuba-kartari yoga in the ninth house of fortune. All these factors make him an influential political leader. The placement of the Lords of the second house and eleventh house in the ninth house explains the easy way in which the political reins have been handed over to him. Moreover, this also explains the prominent role of his family in his life.

Rahul’s Luck Is Not Strong Enough To Bring Success
But, the Lord of ninth house Mercury is placed in the eigth house (house of adversities). Also, malefic planets are placed in the fifth and ninth houses from the natal Moon. Thus his fortune is not strong enough to make him successful in public life. It also indicates obstructions in his political career.

A Chance To Recover Lost Ground
He is currently under the influence of Mars mahadasha and Venus bhukti. As Venus is placed in the tenth house he still has chance to revive his own and his party’s fortune in the forthcoming year. Despite several setbacks in recent elections, he is still a force to reckon with. Also, the transiting Jupiter will be passing through the ascendant after September 2017 which might also give him opportunities to recover his lost ground. Despite several adverse remarks about his leadership, he will continue to hold an influential position in the organisational setup of the Congress party.

Tough For Rahul To Change People’s Perception About Congress
But, his path will remain difficult as he is passing through the mid-phase of saade sati. Some fears, doubts and insecurities may not allow him to take advantage of the positive side in the forthcoming year. Thus it will be very important for him to not only grasp opportunities but also make them happen.

Mischievous Rahu Will Complicate Matters
The transiting Rahu in Cancer may bring some teething problems. It may not give him success commensurate with his efforts. His social life and fame may get negatively affected. He will appear more confident and will also take some decisive steps to revive his fortune and will be able to get some success, but, it will be difficult for him to change people’s perceptions about Congress and his leadership.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle. )
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