
A Raaga of Her Own

Rama Vaidyanathan is performing on March 1 at the Golconda Fort as part of the Paramparaa initiative

Danseuse Rama Vaidyanathan picks up the call from Somnath in Gujarat, where she is due to perform a dance ballet titled Nimagna, which incidentally she would be performing in Hyderabad too later this week. Born from a trip to Kashi, the performance is the Bharatanatyam stalwart at her best — speaking about multiple layers simultaneously while ensuring that the premise remains the same.

“Nimagna means immersion, and this entire performance is about immersion into Indian philosophy,” she states and explains, “It speaks about the ceaseless cycle of creation and destruction while also talking about the immersion of the love of Krishna in Raas Leela, in Devi’s compassion, and in Lord Ram’s steadfastness.”

Touching various facets of love and bhakti and bringing them together is a common theme of the 56-year-old’s oeuvre. Feted by governments and organizations, trained by the greats, and currently one of the most loved classical dancers in the country, she treads the fine line between classical purity and popular appeal exceedingly well.


Rama started dancing at the tender age of six and had her arangetram at the age of ten. Her first guru was none other than the stalwart of Indian classical dance, Yamini Krishnamoorthy.

Her second guru, Saroja Vaidyanathan, was also to be her future mother-in-law, and these early experiences shaped her outlook on her life. What was it like to train as a child of six? “It was the done thing those days among many south Indian families,” she replies with a smile and adds, “I slowly realized that I had a talent for dance and began enjoying the process, so it did not feel very laborious.”

Soon she made her mark, and there was no looking back. Her career has been one of accomplishments, but Rama still calls herself a seeker. She says, “Dance has been my medium to seek so many things in life —from knowledge and awakening to spiritual consciousness. It helped me understand everything from Vedic texts to the limits of my body. It is important to be a student, and that is what I remain.”


Research is intrinsic to Rama’s dance. Years ago, when she performed around the theme of Harappan civilization — built around the figurine of a plant growing from a woman’s womb — she researched everything from the Rig Veda to information from scholars on understanding the context in which she was to present her dance.

For someone who has spent her life dedicated to the art form of Bharatanatyam, how has she viewed its evolution over the years, especially in the post-Covid years?

“The short reels on Instagram are so catchy and beautiful to watch,” she expounds and adds, “But the real challenge for a dancer is to mesmerize the viewer for over an hour while performing on stage and sustain their interest. I think that we should be able to balance both —contribute to tradition as well as catch attention on social media.”

As India increasingly adopts the new while forgetting the old, the future of traditional art forms remains increasingly uncertain. The acclaimed dancer, however, opines that classical art forms will continue to thrive and adds, “I say this because I see more and more younger people in the audience. Also, we have survived 200 years of the British while keeping our traditions intact and evolved beautifully. Bharatanatyam itself was born with renewed energy from Sadir, and other forms, so I am confident that it will survive into the future.”

Excited about performing in Hyderabad, especially at the Golconda Fort, which she visited as a child, Rama signs off by saying, “I love the Telugu states because I’m a huge fan of Annamacharya, whose works never cease to amaze me. Also, the audience in Hyderabad is culturally alive and discerning, which makes it all the more enticing.”

When not dancing: Love spending time with my students and daughters.

Memorable performances: Were in the small villages of India where young students witnessed Bharatanatyam for the first time.

Young artists you admire: So many talented people, likeKatyayani Kanak from Hyderabad

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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