

Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev’s Isha Foundation is facing scrutiny following a petition that suggests his ashram encourages women to live like hermits, while ironically, his own daughter is married!

A big relief for spiritual leader Sadhguru, as the Supreme Court on Thursday paused a Madras High Court order that had asked Tamil Nadu police to investigate cases filed against his Isha Foundation.

The high court’s probe order had come after a retired professor of Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in Coimbatore, S Kamaraj filed a petition, alleging that his daughters Geeta and Lata were “brainwashed to stay at Isha Yoga Centre” in Coimbatore.

The world is eagerly awaiting Sadhguru’s response to the question of why is he encouraging young women to tonsure their heads, renounce worldly life, and live like hermits at his yoga centres, while his daughter is married and well settled.

This question has been posed by the Madras High Court.

Spirituality is not about a strict set of rules

“I feel that the whole debate around whether spiritual leaders should encourage others to renounce worldly pleasures while maintaining a more conventional lifestyle themselves is both valid and complex. It’s essential to recognise that different individuals come to spirituality with unique needs, backgrounds, and capacities. For some, renunciation may be a path that resonates deeply, while for others, spirituality is more about balance and integration of the material and spiritual worlds. However, at its core, spirituality is about personal growth and inner transformation, and not a strict set of rules that must be universally followed,” explains Brahma Kumar Nikunj Ji, Spiritual educator and popular columnist Rajyogi

The question of ethics arises only when there’s a perceived disconnect between what is preached and what is practiced. “Many gurus lead by example, showing how one can live in the material world while staying spiritually grounded. In fact, the spiritual journey is often about finding harmony between the inner and outer worlds, rather than rejecting one for the other. Ultimately, spiritual teachings are meant to empower individuals to make their own choices with clarity and wisdom,” adds Nikunj ji.

It’s a matter on one’s choice

Nikunj Ji feels it is quite natural for people to wonder why some individuals choose to renounce the world while others take a different path. “These are choices that seem to carry a weight of public curiosity and, at times, criticism. At the core of this issue is the idea of choice,” he says. If someone has made their own decisions, then that’s their right. “Remember, everyone has a different journey, and what feels right to one may not be for another. When someone confirms in court that they are living their lives by their own choices, which suggests they are acting on their own free will, then one really cannot say much,” says Nikunj Ji. He feels in instances like these, respecting individual autonomy should be a priority, unless there’s evidence that points to coercion or pressure.

Sanatana dharma

Author and spiritual enthusiast Priya Arora, speaking purely from the perspective of Sanatana Dharma, which grants every person, regardless of gender, tremendous freedom to choose their path in life, asserts that there are no imposed mandates, only righteous choices to make, depending on the circumstances.

“The guideline is to do good karma and not cause needless harm to others. One person may choose of their free will to marry and live a household life, while another may opt for the life of a reenunciate. Both lifestyles offer the opportunity to lead a spiritual existence,” she says.

One can lead an active life in society and yet have the mind of a monk by practicing karmayoga. “One can also achieve mental purity by abdication. The choice is personal,” adds Priya.

Gurus are materialistic too

Additionally, politicians seek guidance from gurus, who also peddle influence. Numerous gurus are also successful entrepreneurs who operate extensive business empires that specialise in the sale of traditional medicines, health products, yoga classes, and spiritual therapies. What is the reason for India’s long-standing association with gurus? “For many of us, a Guru represents a figure who can help navigate the challenges of existence with clarity, offering both practical and spiritual solutions. Over the years, this relationship has evolved, and Gurus have adapted to modern needs. As a result, today their role often goes beyond just spiritual guidance. In fact, many have built institutions around health, education, and well-being, blending traditional knowledge with contemporary demands. This is largely due to the fact that in a fast-paced world filled with stress and uncertainty, people, especially the youth, turn to Gurus for a sense of stability, purpose, and meaning that goes beyond what conventional systems offer,” says Nikunj Ji.

Case against Sadhguru is...

The high court’s probe order came after retired professor S Kamaraj, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University in Coimbatore, filed a petition, alleging that his daughters Geeta and Lata are brainwashed to live at Isha Yoga Centre and are not allowed to have any contact with their family.

( Source : Deccan Chronicle )
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