Eid Mubarak
It is a moment for celebration and introspection as the holy month of Ramadan draws to a close. Swati Sharma spoke to some well-known Muslims about how they feel about the penance after 30 days of prayer and fasting, about their favourite Ramadan memories from the past, and about the costliest Eid gift they ever got

Holistic Healing, Shaaz Mehmood, entrepreneur
Ramzan, to me personally, is a month of prayer, giving back to society, and discipline. For the last few years, I have made it a point to not travel this month and follow a routine that helps me bring about balance in my life spiritually, physically, and mentally. No Ramzan is complete without our annual trips to the old city, where food is at its centre. One thing I love about this month is the opportunity to give back to many people who are from humble backgrounds. On Eid, we always received Eidi from the elders, who handed the most money to their favourites. The tables have turned, and instead of receiving gifts, we are now giving them to our children.
A Better Human, Saif Quadri, entrepreneur
It is said that you complete Ramzan by being a better person than you were when it started. Fasting is 30 days of penance from everything — food, watching what you do or say, abstaining from everything that takes away your time for prayer — Ramzan genuinely disciplines you in terms of time, habits, and your life. Zakat (charity) reminds you that no matter how much you give, there is always room to give more and do more. The simple pleasures of getting together for Iftar and Seher strengthen family relationships. The schedule begins with offering the Eid namaz at the Public Garden Mosque, followed by the joy of delivering Eidi to your children and loved ones, eating delicious Sheer Qorma, and gathering with all of your friends and family for dinner in the evening. If I were to choose an expensive gift, it would be my Jaguar, which I gave to myself roughly ten years ago on Eid.
Camaraderie Feeling, Md. Shah Alam Rasool Khan, chairman, Shadan Educational Society
On the day of Eid, Muslims visit Eidgahs and Masjids to offer Eid prayers, and after the prayers, they make supplication (dua) to Almighty God for salvation from their sins, good health for patients suffering from diseases, a long life for themselves and their wards and relatives, a peaceful life, a place in heaven for their parents and relatives who have died in the world, and so on. Sweet vermicelli or Sheer Qorma, is a traditional Eid meal. Other delights, including kebabs, biryani, and korma, are also made. It is for guests to enjoy and share a delicious lunch with their loved ones. Eid serves as a reward for those who fast for the entire month and celebrate Eid as if it were their feast. In other words, it is a reward for all the good activities performed during Ramadan. Thus, it promotes joy and camaraderie.
Priceless Gifts, Imran Shalimar, entrepreneur
The first expensive present I received on Eid was the Rado watch, which cost `75,000 at the time (2006-2007). Which was significant for a young man or woman. But, throughout time, Eidi has evolved and converted into currency, as it is a type of enjoyment that any child, young boy, or girl experiences while receiving cash. Because they can buy anything that is on their wish list.
‘I miss my father’, Hasnain Saberi, director, Saberi’s Construction Pvt Ltd
Every year, I used to celebrate Eid with my parents, but this year is different because my father has passed away. I feel as though everything is gone from me. He was the person I was closest to and most loved; he was like a wall of sponges, taking away all of my troubles. I only had to look at him to have all of my problems gone. The extent of his importance to me is indescribable. The most memorable gift from my father was my first Rolex watch, which he surprised me with on Eid in 2007.
Diversity & Inclusivity, Akbar Rasheed, partner communication & finance, Altmin India
Ramzan’s biggest take away is the happiness and peace that’s shared by all. The love and care with which everyone gives and donates to the needy is commendable. Ramzan is the month when the Quran was revealed and the way of life gifted to Muslims. Ramzan is a festival of giving to the poor and a very inclusive month. One needs to give what they would want for themselves. So the poor and rich have the same festivities and no one feels exempted from what God provides. My best gift this year was that I was able to go for umrah (pilgrimage) with my parents. We also get a chance to imbibe our values that we got from our parents to our next generation.
Power of Prayers, Kubra Maqdoom, make-up artist
After completing 30 days of prayers and fasting during Ramadan, we Muslims often feel a sense of spiritual fulfilment, closeness to Allah, and a deepening of our faith. Eid is a very special and memorable day for us. Though it comes every year, its significance remains the same. And for me, it’s something beyond that when it comes to my Eid outfit. I make sure it’s unique, one of a kind, and a luxe piece of wear. This one time I received pretty gold jhumkas from my grandma on Eid, which were actually inherited by her mother, and that has been passed on to me. Those jhumkas will always remain the most expensive and special gift for me. Regardless of whatever the monetary value it holds, it will always be special.
Time to Bond, Basharat Ahmed Khan, SK car lounge, proprietor
Fasting is a private act of worship bringing about nearness to God, as well as a form of spiritual discipline and a means to empathise with those less fortunate. The penance of Ramadan has not only strengthened my faith but also deepened my connection with Allah. Celebrate Eid ul Fitr with family and friends. This is the day of joy and happiness, singled out for some acts of worship, special practices according to sunnah and traditions, and giving charity to the needy. The Holy Period has taught me invaluable lessons in patience and empathy, shaping me into a better person. The most memorable and expensive gift on Eid was undoubtedly the heartfelt prayers and blessings from my family and friends.
Time to slow down, Anam Mirza, entrepreneur
Ramzan, like all other months, is about slowing down, but this one takes it a step further by putting nothing before prayer, fasting, and so on. So after 30 days, it's time to celebrate with the yummiest meal and the best sheer qorma. For us, Eidi is about cash rather than gifts. So, I believe one of the most memorable Eidi was when Asad and I got married. We received a significant amount of cash in envelopes.
Dil se dua, Elahe Hiptoola, film producer
After 30 days of fasting, I think I feel very holy. I didn’t fast for all 30 days, but I feel very holy and spiritual. This Ramzan was very challenging for me because it was so hot. I’m really looking forward to having my morning cup of chai at that time and not at 4 a.m. And drinking water throughout the day, inshallah. Every year, you meet your loved ones, friends, and family. And it’s more of the same, but it’s always wonderful to know that you’ve managed to observe one more month of Ramadan. And I hope, and I really pray, that this year we just keep Palestine in our hearts and minds.
Dil se dua hai and dil se request hai ki, we should be conscious of what’s going on in the world. My most memorable Eidi was the same amount of money that I received from my brother Farhan. and I also get bangles from Farhan and Humera. And I wear it whether it matches my outfit or not.
Introspection Time, Zafar Alam Khan, entrepreneur
As a devout Muslim, I try to observe this sacred period in its true spirit which comprises all these components. Eid-ul-Fitr commemorates the festivities and celebrations that occur following the sighting of the moon in the month of Shawwal, which follows Ramadan on the Islamic calendar. On Eid, we usually invite family and friends to join us in our home for the festive celebrations, as well as visit our nearest and dearest to exchange pleasantries. These celebrations include feasts with the traditional Sheer Qorma as well as a variety of other gastronomic specialties. We celebrated Ramadan together in our Barkatpura family home during our formative years, fasting, praying, and ending our rozas together for an extended period. The late Nawab Shah Alam Khan and Begum Abida Khatoon, our esteemed grandparents, raised us to follow this holy month in its appropriate spirit. In my memory, the most unforgettable time of my life was the month of Ramadan which we had together under our parents’ watchful eyes.